Deceased Children’s Memorial
The Deceased Children’s Memorial is located inside St. Mary Magdalen Church in St. Louis, Missouri. It is dedicated to the memory of all children who have died through abortion, stillbirth, miscarriage, accident, illness, or injury. There are no restrictions on age or the number of names submitted. A child’s name will be accepted whether they died prior to birth or at any later time.
Everyone grieves the death of a child, no matter who it might be or how the death may have occurred. Those who have lost a child know this grief and seek peace and healing. The Church wishes to reach out to these families, not only to share their loss, but also to bring comfort and peace.
With this in mind, the Children’s Memorial was conceived and constructed during the summer of 2014 through the efforts of members of the St. Mary Magdalen parish Pro-Life Committee, the Knights of Columbus Council 453, the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, and the pastor, Msgr. John J. Borcic.
It is their hope that this Children’s Memorial will be a way to help families realize that these children, who now rest in the arms of their Creator, are praying for them from above, and, by all who visit, that the entire Church joins in praying for those who loved them.